Saturday, October 23, 2010

Spark Enthusiasm

Buenos Dias!

The newest addition to this resource collection is This site is designed for Spanish teachers and contains a vary wide array of resources. is great because no matter what you are covering in class, there is bound to be supplemental material on this website, or if there is not, they will provide you with links and ideas to find extra material. It contains PowerPoints over grammar, culture, and vocabulary, as well as TONS of videos to show in class (my personal favorite is the 'Ser Gatero' video). The videos cover a variety of topics and would all be fairly easy for students to understand. They also come from countries all over South America, so they are fabulous when teaching culture. I would include these videos as something fun for the students to watch on Fridays and then talk about the culture of the country discussed in the video, or have students make their own skits pertaining to the topic. Spark Enthusiasm also offers links to posters and decorations for your classroom, so you will be able to coordinate  your room with your current thematic unit/topic!

Not only does this site have resources to use in the classroom, but it also contains many great resources for using technology in the classroom, books and literature that might be helpful, and links to workshops around the country.

Overall, I really enjoy this site, and believe it is a very valuable resource for teachers. As always, if you have any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to contact me!

Hasta la promixa vez!


  1. Hola Kaki!

    I looked at this website, and as you know, I'm interested in English, but I thought some of their ideas were really interesting. I looked at the student resources they had, and I thought the idea of e-cards and making up comics with was especially useful. Thanks!

  2. I really like the SparkEnthusiasm site, especially the videos it offers on the diverse cultures that share the Spanish language. I also think it is very cool how videoclips of famous people speaking Spanish are included (Gwyneth Paltrow, Will Smith...)Such videos could be really inspiring for learners to see how others have successfully learned Spanish and become very proficient. Great site!
